
Are DC superheroes more realistic than Marvel superheroes?

Not at all. In fact I’d say that Batman is a terrible example of a realistic character. I’d even go so far as to say he’s one of the most unrealistic characters.

But first, to answer your question.

DC’s two biggest superheros are Superman & Batman. Right now Batman is more popular, but Superman is still more well known. And if Batman is realistic Superman goes past unrealistic. In fact Superman is so far past unrealistic he can’t even see it behind him (and he can see for light years).

Marvel’s biggest are Spider-Man, Captain America, & Wolverine. Spider-Man is the most unrealistic, but he’s at least still in the same zip code as realism. Captain America is definitely unrealistic, but he’s fairly close. Wolverine is probably in between the two. Well, almost.

Back to Batman being realistic. Here are some of his “feats” as what he has learned.

Mastered 127 martial arts
World’s Greatest Detective
Scored perfectly on all FBI training test (except gun handling)
Master hacker (has hacked area 51 & NASA)
Master inventor
Can meditate to simulate death
One of the world’s best tacticians
Defeated Lex Luthor in a real estate war
And this is all while also being a crime fighter and a business mogul.

The martial arts thing by itself is beyond the realm of being human. And most of the rest are fine by themselves, but trying to stack them all together while still maintaining that he’s “realistic” just doesn’t work.

Conclusion: Batman is a meta human.



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