
How do you want Avengers Infinity War to go?

I wouldn’t want to theorize much of the plot, because I want to be surprised, but there are some key moments I would like to see: (spoilers if you haven’t seen the both trailers of Infinity War)

Something insanely heroic from Captain America. Cap famously lifted Thor’s hammer in the comics and did amazing things. Avengers 2 did not see him doing a lot of things as heroic as holding the helicopter in Civil War, or the final speech in the Winter Soldier, so I am waiting for a similar moment in Avengers Infinity War.

The biggest challenge for screenwriters: making the acquiring of the time gem from Dr. Strange make sense. I am pretty sure we are going to see Thanos/Ebony Maw get the time gem from Dr. Strange. However, we have seen Dr. Strange wear/activate the time gem in the latest trailer for infinity war. THIS MEANS that he can do what he did in the end of the film Doctor Strange (which is come back alive and keep trying to stop the enemies) - THIS in turn means that it should be IMPOSSIBLE TO get the time gem from Dr Strange. So, I want to see this happen in a way that actually makes sense. That will be a challenge for sure.

The giant battle scene, I want it to amaze me like the giant battle scene in LOTR: Return of The King did. This is the only movie since then that can actually show us a battle scene at that scale and consequence.

I want the Soul Gem to not be in Wakanda.. because that is very obvious. The reason they fight in Wakanda should be to get Vision, and only that.. because that makes sense. Putting Vision in a very heavily fortified area and away from civilization is the perfect thing to do, as we have seen in the trailer. The Soul gem should be a total mystery that this movie tackles throughout that makes us think about where it is. The Russo Brothers even started a hashtag #whereIsTheSoulGem , all that tease and build up has to be for something significant.

A crazy time reversal sequence with multiple Avengers: imagine the final scene in Dr. Strange with ALL the avengers , everyone planning together and dying together and repeating this process till they find a way to beat Thanos would be really cool.

I have complete faith in Marvel to do all these things and even better things than this, and honestly I am not really concerned about how this movie will go because I know that I will enjoy it. These are just a few things that I would LIKE to see, I am sure Marvel will go beyond this and make a perfect Avengers film.

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